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bcrypted answer $2a$10$pRnW7X9pB8OGO4pVE0SJMuDhUCrAZhLiGf1/6TGTVvjokMWX.br1u
observations 257
views 2932
solves 12
points 214
average solve seconds 47047 seconds, or about 13 hours
stddev solve time 20394 seconds, or about 6 hours

Solutions Over Time

solving teams:

solved by 12 teams

team solved at it took
DEFKOR 2016-05-22 06:42:55 UTC 12126 seconds, or 3.37 hours
Shellphish 2016-05-22 10:18:47 UTC 25168 seconds, or 6.99 hours
PPP 2016-05-22 10:49:29 UTC 27009 seconds, or 7.5 hours
KaisHack GoN 2016-05-22 12:38:19 UTC 33493 seconds, or 9.3 hours
Samurai 2016-05-22 13:45:09 UTC 37532 seconds, or 10.43 hours
binja 2016-05-22 15:54:10 UTC 45240 seconds, or 12.57 hours
Eat Sleep Pwn Repeat 2016-05-22 17:30:07 UTC 50990 seconds, or 14.16 hours
9447 2016-05-22 18:26:51 UTC 54100 seconds, or 15.03 hours
dcua 2016-05-22 21:30:12 UTC 65400 seconds, or 18.17 hours
CLGT-Meepwn 2016-05-22 21:32:15 UTC 65383 seconds, or 18.16 hours
teambob 2016-05-22 23:58:21 UTC 73768 seconds, or 20.49 hours
b1o0p 2016-05-22 23:59:35 UTC 74354 seconds, or 20.65 hours