
Duchess 2

Aim small, miss small. Or not...your call. zombies_8977dda19ee030d0ea35e97ad2439319.2014.shallweplayaga.me 20689

bcrypted answer: $2a$10$Hpi5Pw7Xa.CMUxzsFi76DOtNV6aHwlcdXsCSAV/KoJsOIef6WOaPC

solving teams:

solved by 34 teams

  1. More Smoked Leet Chicken
  2. Samurai
  4. Gallopsled
  5. Hacking Alpacas
  6. TRAPS
  7. MMA@UEC
  9. nops
  10. KAIST GoN
  11. PPP
  12. Reckless Abandon
  13. shellphish
  14. The Cat is #1!!
  15. 9447
  16. 1064CBread
  17. Robot Mafia
  18. ReallyBalalaika
  19. EpsilonDelta
  20. raon_ASRT
  21. Delusions of Grandeur
  22. NarwhalRevEng
  23. CodeRed
  24. Stratum Auhuur
  25. Kaizen
  26. Acme Pharm
  27. (Mostly) Men in Black Hats
  28. fooblarg
  29. LETHAL
  30. cisspgroupies
  31. hackerdom
  32. SIGINT
  33. w33t34m
  34. WCSC