Hacking Alpacas
Score: 8
Captain: Fall-From-Grace
Challenges solved
category & points | name | solved at |
Baby's First 1 | routarded | 2014-05-17 01:23:04 UTC |
Baby's First 1 | hackertool | 2014-05-17 04:37:21 UTC |
Baby's First 1 | 3dttt | 2014-05-17 05:17:45 UTC |
Gynophage 2 | shitsco | 2014-05-17 16:36:23 UTC |
Baby's First 1 | heap | 2014-05-18 13:46:47 UTC |
Duchess 2 | zombies | 2014-05-18 20:21:44 UTC |
name | description | condition | unlocked at | unlocked by |
syn | Welcome to DEF CON CTF 2014. | Registered a team | 2014-04-28 14:38:39 UTC | Fall-From-Grace |
syn-ack | Your team has more than one member. Plainly you're not Tom Cr00se. | Second team member | 2014-04-28 15:52:20 UTC | MrBomb |
ack | Congratulations on looking at a challenge. Good luck! | Viewed any challenge | 2014-05-17 00:05:25 UTC | Blodge |
Forgetful | Have you tried sticky notes? | Reset a password during competition | 2014-05-17 01:05:13 UTC | |
Solved something | You solved a challenge, awesome! | Solved any challenge. | 2014-05-17 01:23:04 UTC | tweaked |
Baby's First | You know how to computer! Neat! | Solved any Baby's First challenge | 2014-05-17 01:23:04 UTC | tweaked |
Drought | Did you have a nice little nap? | Let eight hours pass between solutions | 2014-05-17 16:36:23 UTC | epartheeagle |
Baby's Last | Welcome to the big leagues. | Solved all Baby's First challenges | 2014-05-18 13:46:47 UTC | dxp |
Codename: Duchess | Call Kenny Loggins. | Solved all the Duchess challenges | 2014-05-18 20:21:45 UTC | Totbot |
- Fall-From-Grace
- MrBomb
- dxp
- rangerx
- dking168
- tweaked
- shadov
- bigjon
- nomorespampl0x
- Sliden
- txtina
- Totbot
- austly
- jnettesheim
- zjdm
- bsteelz
- impreziv_
- F43DCA5A
- stove
- Steve-Z
- goldtea
- cmplxen
- Blodge
- Mjolnir
- dedair
- e94n
- epartheeagle
- chzwiz
- fir3b0x
- m00se
- broken1