
Baby's First 1

Heap feng shui not required: http://services.2014.shallweplayaga.me/babyfirst-heap_33ecf0ad56efc1b322088f95dd98827c : babyfirst-heap_33ecf0ad56efc1b322088f95dd98827c.2014.shallweplayaga.me:4088

bcrypted answer: $2a$10$A7njX6PYRbCxstpp.xyuzeOWVJpFG7Sfiag9L9uRgXWQx2j34mVhG

solving teams:

solved by 126 teams

  1. Samurai
  2. gn00bz
  3. 0x8F
  4. blue-lotus
  5. tomcr00se
  6. (Mostly) Men in Black Hats
  7. Routards
  8. Gripwns
  9. Digital Intercept
  10. Robot Mafia
  11. Reckless Abandon
  12. Acme Pharm
  13. 0ops
  14. _0x0_
  15. Alternatives
  16. CodeRed
  17. Marauders
  18. raon_ASRT
  19. HITCON
  20. w3stormz
  21. sutegoma2
  22. TwoSixNine
  23. [SEWorks]penthackon
  24. shellphish
  25. cisspgroupies
  26. int3pids
  27. KUICS
  28. 9447
  29. bamboo
  30. Segfault
  31. SegFault
  32. h34dump
  33. fishpenis
  34. HackingForChiMac
  35. EpsilonDelta
  36. disekt
  37. Guard@MyLan0
  38. sigma
  39. KAIST GoN
  40. TheGooniesBr
  41. Neg9
  42. TRAPS
  43. Gallopsled
  44. Knights Of The Round Table
  45. ROPtimus Prime
  46. Eindbazen
  47. FluxFingers
  48. Brooklynt Overflow
  49. SpamAndHex
  50. BillionaireBoysClub
  51. vzh
  52. dcua
  53. hackerdom
  54. tasteless
  55. vn6788
  56. RandomNCounter
  57. PLUS
  58. saelo
  59. Hacknam Style
  60. Delusions of Grandeur
  61. team enu
  62. 0x1337
  63. ☠☠☠☠
  64. Tower of Hanoi
  65. Sudo fail
  66. Shadow Cats
  67. PPP
  68. katagaitai
  69. OMGACM
  70. L TEAM
  71. lafwd
  72. Guardian
  73. GuardianFanClub
  74. du1iqvw
  75. psuje
  76. G4ND4LF_7H3_GR3Y
  77. X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54
  78. Juicers
  79. Dragon Sector
  80. NarwhalRevEng
  81. RaZy
  82. Stratum Auhuur
  83. 1338-offbyone
  84. rand0ml0l2
  85. nonbei
  86. SIGINT
  87. 321.ABC
  88. H4x0rPsch0rr
  89. Quarks and Gluons
  90. More Smoked Leet Chicken
  91. WCSC
  92. Bad Subnet Mask
  93. PistonsAreBoring
  94. mochigoma
  95. NULL Life
  96. Batman's Kitchen
  97. igloosec
  98. WeLoveCP
  99. Hexcellents
  100. Defragmented Brains
  101. ReallyBalalaika
  102. lmRed
  103. Pax.Mac Team
  104. dsns
  105. We0wnY0u
  106. PiggyBird
  107. Rainbow Pixies of Delight
  108. nops
  109. rentjong
  110. Hacking Alpacas
  111. Team Discovery Channel
  112. RDot.Org
  113. The_Clonolons
  114. dodododo
  115. DUAL_ROT13_DRBG
  116. HeXA
  117. pickles
  118. p03p0wn
  119. benign goat zombies
  120. blah
  121. monkeyshoe
  122. AsssassiNOPs
  123. certis
  124. SubProto
  125. SomeRandomName
  126. captchaflag