
Baby's First 1

Wow, they forwarded http on a router with default creds?

bcrypted answer: $2a$10$tlv7ZE2x31mjkno5cVynm.qbAD5vCpZtQzbCBYAlH46JPPz5gA.q2

solving teams:

solved by 326 teams

  1. cisspgroupies
  2. Knights Of The Round Table
  3. Samurai
  4. NarwhalRevEng
  5. PPP
  6. [SEWorks]penthackon
  7. Digital Intercept
  8. captchaflag
  9. 9447
  10. nutgallore
  11. Knightsec
  12. tomcr00se
  13. FunAllergy
  14. dcua
  15. HITCON
  16. TwoSixNine
  17. Vegan Zombies
  18. tasteless
  19. lafwd
  20. Acme Pharm
  21. Delusions of Grandeur
  22. Kaizen
  23. Dragon Sector
  24. Brooklynt Overflow
  25. Mafiah Kittehs
  27. Shadow Cats
  28. Defragmented Brains
  29. player1
  30. l33tb33s
  31. Gallopsled
  32. LETHAL
  33. Hacking Alpacas
  34. Short Bus Riders
  35. SomeRandomName
  36. ak41s
  37. evil_pwnies
  38. 1064CBread
  39. disekt
  40. G04tzZZ
  41. Neg9
  42. sanityhero
  43. SIGINT
  44. Robot Mafia
  45. SubProto
  46. shellphish
  47. Shellphish
  48. rand0ml0l2
  49. Poopers
  50. (Mostly) Men in Black Hats
  51. NULL Life
  52. Craft
  53. p03p0wn
  54. Snatch The Root
  55. I'mBobDole
  56. WCSC
  57. botanybay
  58. Routards
  59. ISIS
  60. 0x0lab
  61. Cena Fans
  62. Background Noise!
  63. vand
  64. int3pids
  65. not sure
  66. VXRL
  67. BillionaireBoysClub
  68. Digital Revelation
  69. gn00bz
  70. SQL infection
  71. shEIP
  72. BonziBUDDY.exe
  73. FirstHacks
  74. Zipper Danger
  75. Reckless Abandon
  76. Juicers
  77. RandomNCounter
  78. TRAPS
  79. The Cat is #1!!
  80. Pool Party Pwn Machine
  81. w33t34m
  82. Pax.Mac Team
  83. The Art of Pwn
  84. qwertyuiop
  85. rentjong
  86. supercows
  87. Sudo fail
  88. pwndora
  89. Marauders
  90. mochigoma
  91. SEAL
  92. III_tw
  93. pickles
  94. TTT
  95. blue-lotus
  96. 0ops
  97. dsns
  98. letzplaythegam3
  99. katagaitai
  100. OGT
  101. Google Sucks
  102. foreN00Bz
  103. raon_ASRT
  104. bamboo
  105. TheBrownWing
  106. h4yst4ck sm4sh4z
  107. sutegoma2
  108. KAIST GoN
  109. not-a-team
  110. hackerdom
  111. Without Proper Instructions
  112. Bad Subnet Mask
  113. SiBears
  114. unethical_hackers
  115. Doublegoat
  116. Cheddar Horsemen
  117. abCdefgHijklmnopqrsT
  118. SDSLabs
  119. XLII
  120. PLUS
  121. w3stormz
  122. L TEAM
  123. team enu
  124. OMGACM
  126. HeXA
  127. h34dump
  128. AVators
  129. L1ght4Freedom
  130. ter
  131. HackingForChiMac
  132. EmaDachi81
  133. EpsilonDelta
  134. POS
  135. cryto
  136. Gripwns
  137. vzh
  138. SUSlo.PAS
  139. benign goat zombies
  140. SecurityFirst
  141. CTF-infinit
  142. WeLoveCP
  143. 404notfound
  144. SpamAndHex
  145. PiggyBird
  146. MMA@UEC
  147. CHTTL
  148. Hexcellents
  149. dalbo
  150. paranoids
  151. SYNers
  152. 1338-offbyone
  153. We0wnY0u
  154. 0x8F
  155. Beagle Harrier
  156. Squareroots
  157. FluxFingers
  158. keysec
  159. LSE
  160. Diabl0
  162. NS-TRT
  163. Anthurium
  164. CodeRed
  165. nops
  166. balicasag
  167. Hacknam Style
  168. baNULL
  169. Guard@MyLan0
  170. Tower of Hanoi
  171. Andervish
  172. CSCUK
  173. du1iqvw
  174. Alternatives
  175. backzogtum
  176. Guardian
  177. senkihaziak
  178. 0nly\x0f
  179. gief
  180. Follow the Sun
  181. Eindbazen
  182. DokuDempa
  183. TeamZAP
  184. blah
  185. H4x0rPsch0rr
  186. Stand Alone Complex
  187. Hexpresso
  188. _0x0_
  189. ROPtimus Prime
  190. More Smoked Leet Chicken
  191. Insanity
  192. 0xbadf00d
  193. sorcier
  194. Bushwhackers
  195. ImKumamon
  196. GetToDaChoppa
  197. HackEnBarra
  198. fakefakefake
  199. fishpenis
  200. 321.ABC
  201. RDot.Org
  202. [censored]
  203. chuck14
  204. Stratum Auhuur
  205. DC949
  206. psuje
  207. T-Raperzy znad Wisly
  208. euro_solo
  209. Wanna Fsck?
  210. ZenSecurity
  211. ReSecurity
  212. Abr1k0s
  213. ids-team
  214. movsx
  215. keks
  216. nothin
  217. Yet Another Team
  218. AHQ_TB
  219. ReallyBalalaika
  220. icewall
  221. The one team
  222. QueerIndustrialComplex
  223. g0delsmachine
  224. PistonsAreBoring
  225. TeamRedAce
  226. ee07a869
  227. vn6788
  228. llamda
  229. UMUC Cyber Padawans
  230. AutoBits
  231. Pi Backwards
  232. Pompom
  233. GR_sec_team
  234. errorlog
  235. Kernel Sanders
  236. A Lolly Band Apart
  237. Batman's Kitchen
  238. ASIS
  239. KiFastSystemCallRet
  240. TheGooniesBr
  241. hammer_of_the_sheeple
  242. wolf den
  243. LetsPwn
  244. dv_team
  245. sandbox
  246. meep
  247. Layer8Rage
  248. d4rinwbots
  249. ☠☠☠☠
  251. The IMPs
  252. 0x1337
  253. Bits For Everyone
  254. Baghali
  255. G4ND4LF_7H3_GR3Y
  256. TRUE
  257. dangerrocket
  258. thecommunity
  259. haetmeet
  260. droptable
  261. C3TF
  262. kosh
  263. Hopjesvla
  264. BreakThings
  265. Cl0ud Sh3llz
  266. JuniperSecurity
  267. Noppers
  268. pupzor
  269. saelo
  270. Pwnlandia
  271. glory and fame but mostly beer
  272. monkeyshoe
  273. sausage
  274. seahedgehogs
  275. Possibly Hilarious
  276. just4thehalibut
  277. 1t4
  278. 73@M7
  279. JmpOnOverflow
  280. negation
  281. tong
  282. hfu_sec_lab
  283. \xBE\xEF Supreme
  284. Team Discovery Channel
  285. Edward Broden
  286. Chris Hansen
  287. m1z0r3
  288. banbi
  289. d4d
  290. ugtech
  291. igloosec
  292. Traditional Breakfast
  293. indo8
  294. Singularity
  295. asdfjkl;
  296. ZM4LW4R3
  297. The_Clonolons
  298. hardrock
  299. ArrBas
  300. RooterX
  301. nonbei
  302. 0xadam
  303. carepackage
  304. TeamActionKaktus
  305. nogigi
  306. Ganbare Tigers Jr
  307. RaZy
  308. abab
  309. Rainbow Pixies of Delight
  310. cdcd
  311. ProbablyHilarious
  312. unreadable
  313. qoo
  314. LowEnergy:(
  315. newkiba
  316. trtr
  317. RookyBitches
  318. lcmafia
  319. i'm noob and what is this?
  320. hell tag
  321. Honeypot
  322. internationalechinoderms
  323. PinguinuX
  324. dickbutt
  325. 0x4E534931
  326. ufologists