
Jymbolia 2

It's not broken, you just need more RAM. http://services.2014.shallweplayaga.me/100lines_53ac15fc7aa93da92629d37a669e106c 100lines_53ac15fc7aa93da92629d37a669e106c.2014.shallweplayaga.me:20689

bcrypted answer: $2a$10$DzK8EzkZAfcCNSLHn5ZbqO4hWskpHs4KG/YVig.4tHBKJv3EZ3ZfG

solving teams:

solved by 36 teams

  1. blue-lotus
  2. The Cat is #1!!
  3. CodeRed
  4. Gallopsled
  5. 9447
  6. Reckless Abandon
  7. KAIST GoN
  8. sutegoma2
  9. shellphish
  10. raon_ASRT
  11. TRAPS
  12. Dragon Sector
  13. Robot Mafia
  14. More Smoked Leet Chicken
  15. HackingForChiMac
  16. int3pids
  17. gn00bz
  18. 0ops
  19. MMA@UEC
  20. HITCON
  21. 0x8F
  22. bamboo
  23. Samurai
  24. ☠☠☠☠
  25. w3stormz
  26. team enu
  27. SIGINT
  28. OMGACM
  29. EpsilonDelta
  30. PLUS
  31. cisspgroupies
  32. Rainbow Pixies of Delight
  33. SpamAndHex
  34. H4x0rPsch0rr
  35. [SEWorks]penthackon
  36. ReallyBalalaika