
Gynophage 3

Such a simple daemon. http://services.2014.shallweplayaga.me/sftp_bf28442aa4ab1a4089ddca16729b29ac sftp_bf28442aa4ab1a4089ddca16729b29ac.2014.shallweplayaga.me:115

bcrypted answer: $2a$10$Dww5wlExIC7fBvSzlC8lUuEZMi2Wn9bvK0.CJDPU40krlI5CCUQj6

solving teams:

solved by 59 teams

  1. raon_ASRT
  2. CodeRed
  3. (Mostly) Men in Black Hats
  4. PPP
  5. w3stormz
  6. Gallopsled
  7. Reckless Abandon
  8. Neg9
  9. blue-lotus
  10. Samurai
  11. shellphish
  12. HITCON
  13. Acme Pharm
  14. Stratum Auhuur
  15. Poopers
  16. 9447
  17. Routards
  18. 0ops
  19. tomcr00se
  20. ☠☠☠☠
  21. TRAPS
  22. sutegoma2
  23. Dragon Sector
  24. KAIST GoN
  25. More Smoked Leet Chicken
  26. HackingForChiMac
  27. gn00bz
  28. nops
  29. Marauders
  30. katagaitai
  31. Brooklynt Overflow
  32. Robot Mafia
  33. int3pids
  34. SIGINT
  35. Digital Intercept
  36. The Cat is #1!!
  37. cisspgroupies
  38. bamboo
  39. ROPtimus Prime
  40. [SEWorks]penthackon
  41. SpamAndHex
  42. PLUS
  43. OMGACM
  44. L TEAM
  45. Alternatives
  46. ReallyBalalaika
  47. NULL Life
  48. FluxFingers
  49. Honeypot
  50. Gripwns
  51. _0x0_
  52. OGT
  53. Guard@MyLan0
  54. Hacknam Style
  55. hackerdom
  56. psuje
  57. EpsilonDelta
  58. Rainbow Pixies of Delight
  59. H4x0rPsch0rr