Pepperidge Farm

Reverse Engineering

Remember when the first CTF was run with a custom architecture? Pepperidge Farm remembers:

Solution Statistics

bcrypted answer $2a$10$IDlh6/u6DtGYIlzCnMRdFuV1umxVhaFp3ntKaOggtF3KOt0H./8SO
observations 230
views 0
solves 36
points 106
average solve seconds 23768 seconds, or about 7 hours
stddev solve time 13557 seconds, or about 4 hours

Solutions Over Time

solving teams:

solved by 36 teams

team solved at it took
mongo 2017-04-30 10:25:35 UTC 4796 seconds, or 1.33 hours
PPP 2017-04-30 10:33:55 UTC 5655 seconds, or 1.57 hours
A*0*E 2017-04-30 11:38:24 UTC 9501 seconds, or 2.64 hours
PwnThyBytes 2017-04-30 12:31:10 UTC 12362 seconds, or 3.43 hours
binja 2017-04-30 12:37:03 UTC 13014 seconds, or 3.61 hours
Shellphish 2017-04-30 12:41:23 UTC 12605 seconds, or 3.5 hours
Eat Sleep Pwn Repeat 2017-04-30 12:46:46 UTC 8702 seconds, or 2.42 hours
I'm ggonna 2017-04-30 12:55:36 UTC 14144 seconds, or 3.93 hours
TokyoWesterns with AST 2017-04-30 12:56:50 UTC 13862 seconds, or 3.85 hours
Dragon Sector 2017-04-30 12:57:49 UTC 13944 seconds, or 3.87 hours
Team Rocket ☠️ 2017-04-30 13:04:46 UTC 14318 seconds, or 3.98 hours
koreanbadass 2017-04-30 13:53:33 UTC 17501 seconds, or 4.86 hours
RRR 2017-04-30 14:02:15 UTC 18006 seconds, or 5.0 hours
hacking4danbi 2017-04-30 14:06:14 UTC 18283 seconds, or 5.08 hours
!SpamAndHex 2017-04-30 14:31:20 UTC 18833 seconds, or 5.23 hours
9447 2017-04-30 15:44:52 UTC 18360 seconds, or 5.1 hours
LC↯BC 2017-04-30 16:00:33 UTC 18208 seconds, or 5.06 hours
Tea Deliverers 2017-04-30 16:23:02 UTC 26504 seconds, or 7.36 hours
KaisHack GoN 2017-04-30 16:41:16 UTC 27688 seconds, or 7.69 hours
Team Enu 2017-04-30 17:32:42 UTC 30672 seconds, or 8.52 hours
dcua 2017-04-30 18:02:19 UTC 32125 seconds, or 8.92 hours
ir3n3 2017-04-30 18:14:10 UTC 9557 seconds, or 2.65 hours
Bushwhackers 2017-04-30 18:31:22 UTC 20304 seconds, or 5.64 hours
0daysober 2017-04-30 18:52:11 UTC 35547 seconds, or 9.87 hours
Samurai 2017-04-30 19:19:08 UTC 37104 seconds, or 10.31 hours
Team T5 🍊 2017-04-30 19:23:59 UTC 34859 seconds, or 9.68 hours
217 2017-04-30 19:27:26 UTC 8875 seconds, or 2.47 hours
noraneco 2017-04-30 20:30:33 UTC 41321 seconds, or 11.48 hours
Never Stop Exploiting 2017-04-30 20:37:32 UTC 40573 seconds, or 11.27 hours
Spaceticles 2017-04-30 21:03:23 UTC 42942 seconds, or 11.93 hours
Routards 2017-04-30 21:06:19 UTC 41781 seconds, or 11.61 hours
Tower of Hanoi 2017-04-30 21:10:39 UTC 41829 seconds, or 11.62 hours
Lab RATs 2017-04-30 21:39:28 UTC 45574 seconds, or 12.66 hours
DEFKOR 2017-04-30 22:46:46 UTC 49327 seconds, or 13.7 hours
We_0wn_Y0u 2017-04-30 23:03:30 UTC 45557 seconds, or 12.65 hours
Anti Horsey 2017-04-30 23:52:36 UTC 11427 seconds, or 3.17 hours