
0x41414141 1

bcrypted answer: $2a$10$rSX6BaGK372FUNPBN7xjiOj5jS73lcIEtuT6S4BxZ7dJAVfxhVkNi

solving teams:

solved by 42 teams

  1. PPP
  2. KAIST GoN
  3. Men in Black Hats
  4. WHAT_Mafia
  5. Routards
  7. Shell Corp
  8. Robot Mafia
  9. Underminers
  10. European NOPSled Team
  11. CCCAC
  12. More Smoked Leet Chicken
  13. clgt
  14. CodeRed
  15. w3stormz
  16. [TechnoPandas]
  17. blue-lotus
  18. int3pids
  19. Shellphish
  20. 9447
  21. pwningyeti
  22. APT8
  23. Intrusion Injection System
  24. JunkCrossingBadgers
  25. sutegoma2
  26. Marauders
  27. 1 drunk guy and pigeons
  28. Alternatives
  29. Team ClevCode
  30. LSE
  31. Eindbazen
  32. United States of Russia
  33. Shania Twain
  34. ACME Pharm
  35. dcua
  36. HoneyBadgersReUnited
  37. CERT-IS
  38. pwnies
  39. Samurai
  40. 0x8f
  41. team enu
  42. bobsleigh