
\xff\xe4\xcc 1

I hear banjos.

bcrypted answer: $2a$10$A72con0n0IEyTgrwG891/OYWqhZtfpVN3g4HKHG.zt7EBQQrhvcWe

solving teams:

solved by 65 teams

  1. More Smoked Leet Chicken
  2. PPP
  3. CCCAC
  4. Routards
  5. CodeRed
  6. KAIST GoN
  7. European NOPSled Team
  8. Eindbazen
  9. Team ClevCode
  10. int3pids
  11. gn00bz
  12. sutegoma2
  13. Shellphish
  14. team enu
  15. mmagica
  16. Men in Black Hats
  18. Guard@MyLan0
  19. JunkCrossingBadgers
  20. alcapwn
  21. Null@Root
  22. disekt
  23. clgt
  24. United States of Russia
  25. ufologists
  26. Shell Corp
  27. RDot.Org
  28. Alternatives
  29. p03p0wn
  30. [TechnoPandas]
  31. CAT-Security
  32. 9447
  33. sapheads
  34. w3stormz
  35. pwnies
  36. Robot Mafia
  37. Dragon Sector
  38. \xBE\xEFsupreme
  39. Hacking Alpacas
  40. Knights Of The Round Table
  41. WHAT_Mafia
  42. Big-Daddy
  43. Ivanov
  44. 0x8f
  45. DoraTheExploiter
  46. 0ldEur0pe
  47. Digital Intercept
  48. The Cat is #1!!
  49. madbat2
  50. Marauders
  51. HackerDom
  52. Neg9
  53. dcua
  54. CHROOT
  55. HoneyBadgersReUnited
  56. Samurai
  57. NotReallyAHackersTeam
  58. 0xbadf00d
  59. Intrusion Injection System
  60. WildRide
  61. APT8
  62. LSE
  63. blue-lotus
  64. tonko2
  65. pwningyeti