Waiting for your Touch
Web 2
http://waiting-for-your-touch.quals.shallweplayaga.me HTTP Basic: username: come-on-and-slam password: welcome-to-japan
bcrypted answer: $2a$10$sWStmm8gatdbYjRUUZqbW.XocyxRmsTzpEOuvf0b8I7R4kyRoy4kK
solving teams:
solved by 60 teams
- Shellphish
- Gallopsled
- binja
- 0daysober
- InfoSecIITR
- Eat, Sleep, Pwn, Repeat
- dodododo
- dcua
- Toshiko Sato
- The Cat is #1!!
- tasteless
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- \xBE\xEF Supreme
- Samurai
- Mostly Inexperienced Beginner Hackers
- wizard of skn
- SpamAndHex
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- CTF vs Atom Ants
- Neg9
- To infinity and beyond!
- Robot Mafia
- Kysor
- WhatTheBird
- Snatch The Root
- int3pids
- vulscryptos
- ascii overflow
- w0pr
- 9447
- Dragon Sector
- blue-lotus
- StinkyButtFarts
- khack40
- saarsec
- WeAreScientists
- volatile consts
- pickles
- Team Enu
- FunAllergy
- PwnThyBytes
- DuRaRaRa!!
- Blunt Instrument
- Hanoiati
- Kaizen
- Hardc0de
- Team Churches Chicken
- 0ops
- Delusions of Grandeur
- gn00bz
- xip
- TokyoWesterns
- Routards