
Miscellaneous 3

Patch the binary from cybergrandsandbox, and submit it [here]( [Patch This](

bcrypted answer: $2a$10$Ts9umMuULn1DTbz1HZHw6u7MscDZt5sjZro5rxL1IdTkeAvtma3i6

solving teams:

solved by 56 teams

  1. SpamAndHex
  2. Blunt Instrument
  4. Dragon Sector
  5. LC↯BC
  6. Shellphish
  8. 9447
  9. 0ops
  10. Eat, Sleep, Pwn, Repeat
  11. disekt
  12. KAIST GoN
  13. Robot Mafia
  14. ACMEPharm
  15. atx2600
  16. WhatTheBird
  17. Lab RATs
  18. [REDACTED]
  19. DEFKOR
  20. HITCON
  21. blue-lotus
  22. binja
  24. Gallopsled
  25. jandy'stv
  26. Hello World
  27. NULL Life
  28. CaptureTheSwag
  29. int3pids
  30. Samurai
  31. dodododo
  32. shinh
  33. "monads"
  34. meumeu
  35. tasteless
  36. PPP
  37. Alternatives
  38. Mostly Inexperienced Beginner Hackers
  39. PwnThyBytes
  40. rentjong
  41. Hanoiati
  42. Team Enu
  43. 0x00
  44. Routards
  45. 0x8F
  46. HvsD
  47. gn00bz
  48. BambooFox
  49. TokyoWesterns
  50. CERT-IS
  51. 0daysober
  52. Hardc0de
  53. Bushwhackers
  54. Guardian
  55. Team Churches Chicken
  56. TwoSixNine