
Reverse Engineering 1

You went and got it knockedup. [Download](

bcrypted answer: $2a$10$BnLgGBkWiNcV1qRrBHyqm.bkRFGP.t6o24Kucc81YH/QtJhhxMKcy

solving teams:

solved by 73 teams

  1. Shellphish
  2. volatile consts
  3. Blunt Instrument
  5. 0ops
  6. Use After Chicken
  7. Routards
  8. tasteless
  10. int3pids
  11. Dragon Sector
  12. H4x0rPsch0rr
  13. LC↯BC
  14. Snatch The Root
  15. Hello World
  16. PPP
  17. w0pr
  18. 0daysober
  19. HacknamStyle
  20. meumeu
  21. WhatTheBird
  22. bitnuts
  23. 9447
  24. Toshiko Sato
  25. SpamAndHex
  27. fuffateam
  28. gn00bz
  29. c00kies@venice
  30. Mostly Inexperienced Beginner Hackers
  31. [REDACTED]
  32. Gallopsled
  33. 0x8F
  34. 0x00
  35. Eat, Sleep, Pwn, Repeat
  36. On est pas contents
  37. Neg9
  38. Samurai
  39. Robot Mafia
  40. pickles
  41. ACMEPharm
  42. Team Enu
  43. HvsD
  44. NULL Life
  45. blue-lotus
  46. binja
  47. w33t34m
  48. The Cat is #1!!
  49. Alternatives
  50. dcua
  51. TokyoWesterns
  52. uvb76
  53. WHA
  54. TwoSixNine
  55. RPISEC
  56. jandy'stv
  57. Guardian
  58. "monads"
  59. Amber Chamber
  60. CaptureTheSwag
  61. KAIST GoN
  62. TheGoonies
  63. PwnThyBytes
  64. WCSC
  65. BabyPhD
  66. 0xbadf00d
  67. Cyclopropenylidene
  68. Hanoiati
  69. atx2600
  70. SectorC
  71. Lab RATs
  72. khack40
  73. Bushwhackers